SRE Vs. DevOps has been a ranging battle for quite sometime now. Ask any operations or infra team in today's bubbling tech shops and, they will tell you, without a flutter, that they are SRE. Scratch them a bit more and, they will tell you how they follow the SRE principles with stories from their daily grind and link them to Google's SRE handbooks. Then drop the big question, "But isn't the same thing DevOps too?" and see them getting confused and incoherent a bit. Now, if you ask, "Or maybe, yours is more of a hybrid model than pure DevOps/SRE?". Now, you might have turned a few heads and even made some ponder further away. Managing "Operations" as a disciplined practice has always been an arduous task. Many companies today have dedicated operations departments engaged in planning and executions, but more often than not, they fail badly. The tech operations landscape is no different. There are always, generally unsolved questions about how t...
An Architect's diary of fixes